XF 1.5 Smilie Category - Smilies Load In Tabs ?


Well-known member
I've never used the "Smilie Category" option in XF, but my community is begging for a ton of new smilies.

I hate doing anything that will increase page load times, so a few questions about smiley tabs:
  1. I believe my smilies currently only load (images downloaded to the device) when the smiley button is clicked, correct?
  2. If there are 5 categories / tabs of smileys, will all the smileys in all the tabs / categories load when the smile button is clicked, or just the tab / category the person is on?
  3. Any other thoughts / comments on this? Like caching, sizes, etc?

(BTW, I spelled smiley a bunch of ways to help with anybody searching for this info (like me) in the future :) )
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