Skin Color Picker question

Taylor J

Well-known member
Okay, I am making a skin with a color picker in it and well need some help.

Here is the php code I use on IPB skins:
<php> $skinColor = ( ( IPSCookie::get('SkinColor') ) ? IPSCookie::get('SkinColor') : '57a5d1' ); </php>

What would be the equivalent for Xenforo?
Do you have your own Colorpicker which is saving the value in a cookie?

If yes=>

If it's not working, check the cookie names!
XenForo adds automatic a "cookie prefix" to the name, maybe you'll need to rewrite the colorpicker code OR write your own method to read the cookie
I am using , same thing I use on my IPB skins that are in development except this one is jQuery and not Prototype.

Also as I don't know anything about php or stuff like that instead of how to edit it to my needs, how would I go about putting that in a template and/or working it like the code I supplied in the OP?
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