Site redirected when using wifi at a hotel


Active member
My site still accessed if I use 3g or cable internet but this morning when i use wifi of a hotel I can not browse my site. It was redirected to other site. Below is screen captures:


My site hosted with Bluehost
But only my own site redirected. I can still browse many other sites without any problem.
3G is good, cable is good, Wi-Fi from the hotel is not good...
I suspect the hotel's Wi-Fi.
Try McDonald's Wi-Fi.(It's free on many places)
Same result?

Are you using some apps for a tablet or smartphone?
I use many apps on my iPad. I agree that it due to the hotel wifi but when I use the hotel wifi I can still access xenforo but cannot access my site.
I think if I config my host well I could avoid that problem.
Thank for your guide
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