Simple Gallery Vs. User Albums? Whats your favorite?


Well-known member
I see a lot of people using XFR User Albums although its free vs Simple Gallery which is like 20 bucks, but what are you using? I am just looking for a place where members can upload photos, share photos, have contests where people can LIKE photos and so on.
Dont base your opinions on the fact that XFR is free.. Its actually a very good plugin.. I have no expierance with SG.. XFR-UA is basic but serves its purpose.. I actually intend to switch to something more robust (Photo Tagging, ability to easily embed pictures froma gallery in to a post etc..) when and if anything comes available.. But so far no complaints on the performance of XFR's gallery, it does what it says.
XFR User Albums is a very good integration with a great developer. Is the best user album there and each member is able to create mutiple album. You can also comment, and like images. it has an importer from vb (its well-supported)
A gallery is kind of different, it requires you to create category and your user upload in it, a Galllery is what I am currently looking for but can't find a great on yet.
I thought this was "delayed"
Everything of mine has been delayed. But it's still on the way and I am going to push to get a private beta done very early (more like alpha) and set up the crowd fund rewards plus offer a pre-order to get access to the private stuff with clear warnings about its use.
I had personal reasons to leave for a little while, the kind of reasons no work can get in the way of, and have also been working on development tools to make work much faster once I get back into it properly again (which is very soon).
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