i'm attempting to conditionalize an advertisement on my sidebar to only display when on the homepage of my forum. The problem I'm running into is that the template (aph_widget_content) that I'm attempting to add the ad code to doesn't appear to have any vars accessible from it. I'm sure I could utilize one of several options to get the conditional to work (ex: $contentTemplate, $requestPaths.fullUri, etc.), if they were available.
Is there a trick to getting [any of] these vars to work in the template i'm working with? and/or a way to find out which (if any) vars are accessible? I've primarily just been attempting to do a helper dump on the hard hitters that i'm aware of ($page, $forum, $thread, etc..).
Is there a trick to getting [any of] these vars to work in the template i'm working with? and/or a way to find out which (if any) vars are accessible? I've primarily just been attempting to do a helper dump on the hard hitters that i'm aware of ($page, $forum, $thread, etc..).