I would like to show a widget in the sidebar of some forums, but only within a certain category. Structure is like this.
-- forum - 1-1
-- forum - 1-2
-- forum 2-1
-- forum 2-2
-- forum 2-n
Is it possible to show a widget only in forum-2-1 .. forum-2-n ? I've tried in_array($xf.reply.containerKey, ['node-x','node-xx','node-xxx']) which works fine. However, in this case I have to add all forums manually and have to change the condition for every new forum of category-2.
I would like to show a widget in the sidebar of some forums, but only within a certain category. Structure is like this.
-- forum - 1-1
-- forum - 1-2
-- forum 2-1
-- forum 2-2
-- forum 2-n
Is it possible to show a widget only in forum-2-1 .. forum-2-n ? I've tried in_array($xf.reply.containerKey, ['node-x','node-xx','node-xxx']) which works fine. However, in this case I have to add all forums manually and have to change the condition for every new forum of category-2.