Show Paid Subscriptions at Register or Redirect after Confirm?


Well-known member
I am wondering if there is a way of doing one of these two things:

1) When users go to register offer paid subscription options in addition to free. So the user would click register and either before or after filling in registration info, would be given the option to upgrade their membership, if they select to, it will bring them through and complete the upgrade.


2) After the user has confirmed their email address, and is brought back to the site, for them to be shown a specific page with account upgrade information?

I think letting members know at registration about upgrade options and benefits could be very useful.
Im almost certain nothing of the likes exists here.. Ive approached a cpl developers about creating this from scratch a long time ago for XF but as usual they were to busy building plugins for their own communities at the time..
I would definitely not frustrate registrations in any way. Keep that as simple as possible. Once a user has sucessfully registered its a good idea to make sure that the user is at some point offered the user upgrades.
The most obvious method is to use a notice which shows a few days after registration.

On my vbulletin board I had a subscription nagger coded. An overlay that comes over the page and asks the user if they want to take advantage of the benefits that a subscription offers. The user could click OK or No Thanks. But these two options rotate in location. So somtimes Yes was on the left bottom and sometimes on the right bottom. I borrowed this idea from @digitalpoint
Its relatively effective, though not as effective as the wikipedia approach (in case you run a non-profit)
I am wondering if there is a way of doing one of these two things:

1) When users go to register offer paid subscription options in addition to free. So the user would click register and either before or after filling in registration info, would be given the option to upgrade their membership, if they select to, it will bring them through and complete the upgrade.
Have you found any solution? Looking for this too. :)
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