Show notices in (some) overlays (Register, etc.)


Well-known member
If a notice is set for a specific template, the notice should be visible in the overlay.

An example of this would be with Content template register_form.


But if you go to /register


The notice should go above Username in the overlay.
Upvote 5
I wanted this too, but found out it wouldn't work, so I improvised.
I think on the registration page, the first field should be the language selection (refresh the page)

Depending on your case, you can do this, put it in larger text, etc.

I wanted this too, but found out it wouldn't work,
Up vote it for visibility if you haven't already.
I improvised.
I improvised by removing "overlay" for registration to direct to a standalone registration page, but that's not optimal. Your method gave me an idea to add the message under the email field, if possible. I'll play around with it tomorrow and see if I can get it to work there as a reminder since I like the overlay better.

I'll post my template edits here and in styling when done so other admins with mail issues can do the same. I don't know why I'm having problems as I'm using Amazon SES, but that I'll sort out later.

Thanks for the idea!
This was easy enough. I still have the notice on /register (register_form) to make it more prominent if the browser takes them there over having the overlay. But, I did the following edit to emphasize it more.

Template register_macros (2.3.3 & 2.3.4, should be similar for 2.2 though).

    <xf:textboxrow name="{$fieldName}" value="{$value}" type="email" autocomplete="email" required="required"
        maxlength="{{ max_length($xf.visitor, 'email') }}"
        label="{{ phrase('email') }}"
        hint="{{ phrase('required') }}" />


    <xf:textboxrow name="{$fieldName}" value="{$value}" type="email" autocomplete="email" required="required"
        maxlength="{{ max_length($xf.visitor, 'email') }}"
        label="{{ phrase('email') }}"
        hint="{{ phrase('required') }}" 
        explain="<b>Note</b>: Check both your inbox and spam folder for the confirmation email sent to the address above before resending another." />

Then re-enabled the overlay for registration for:

The notice in the overlay would look a lot more visually appealing and also not be as easily ignorable though.
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