XF 2.1 Show items based on age


Well-known member
I'm using this template code in a template modification, it works for the most part just not the comparison of the visitors age to the forum age limit set.

<xf:set var="$birthday" value="{{ $xf.visitor.Profile.birthday.age }}" />
<xf:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread">
     <xf:if is="!{$thread.Forum.gt_ag_agegate} && {$birthday|number} > {$thread.Forum.gt_ag_agelimit}">
          <li class="block-row">
               <xf:macro template="thread_list_macros" name="item_new_posts" arg-thread="{$thread}" />
     <xf:else />
          <li class="block-row">
               {{ phrase('gt_agegate_not_old_enough') }}

Could someone please take a look at this and give me an idea of what I'm doing wrong. Thanks to everyone who takes a look.
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