Daniel 'RTRD'
Well-known member
Here is the option:
Here is the template:
I can't get that to work. I want the one with the largest number to show. And as it is setup now URR_r1_pri has 10 and URR_r2_pri has 20 as default. Am I doing something wrong?
<option option_id="URR_r1_pri" edit_format="spinbox" data_type="integer" can_backup="1">
<relation group_id="derp" display_order="110"/>
Here is the template:
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.URR_r1_pri} > {$xenOptions.URR_r2_pri} OR {$xenOptions.URR_r3_pri}">
<xen:elseif is="{$xenOptions.URR_r2_pri} > {$xenOptions.URR_r1_pri} OR {$xenOptions.URR_r3_pri}" />
<xen:else />
I can't get that to work. I want the one with the largest number to show. And as it is setup now URR_r1_pri has 10 and URR_r2_pri has 20 as default. Am I doing something wrong?