XF 1.3 Show author homepage link (too long)


Active member
Some people have really long url!

I'm wondering how to modify or is there an add-on to make a clean link for,
admin.php?styles/default-style.37/style-properties&group=message area?

Show author homepage link
Display a link to the homepage of the message author, if they have entered one.

A simple box that was easy for members to add in their url and website name would look much better on the forum.

<a href="http://www.yourlink.com/">your link</a>
Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> message_user_info

This is the relevant code:

				<xen:if is="@messageShowHomepage AND {$user.homepage}">
					<dl class="pairsJustified">
						<dt>{xen:phrase home_page}:</dt>
						<dd><a href="{xen:string censor, $user.homepage, '-'}" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" itemprop="url">{xen:string censor, $user.homepage}</a></dd>
Hi Jake, thanks for chiming in. Do I need to insert this in a particular order or location? Will the code I have be enough to create the needed box for users?
That code already exists in the default template. The HTML can be modified to create hyperlinked text instead of showing the entire URL as the text, which I believe is what you want.
Exactly, but I am wondering how I would include/ modify this in the current code? I'm suprized xenForo hasn't included this in there already stellar/ clean looking forum. I think this is an overlooked feature. So many people have long strings.
Change it to this:
Rich (BB code):
<xen:if is="@messageShowHomepage AND {$user.homepage}">
    <dl class="pairsJustified">
        <dt>{xen:phrase home_page}:</dt>
        <dd><a href="{xen:string censor, $user.homepage, '-'}" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" itemprop="url">My Homepage</a></dd>

Adjust "My Homepage" to suit.
Change it to this:
Rich (BB code):
<xen:if is="@messageShowHomepage AND {$user.homepage}">
    <dl class="pairsJustified">
        <dt>{xen:phrase home_page}:</dt>
        <dd><a href="{xen:string censor, $user.homepage, '-'}" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" itemprop="url">My Homepage</a></dd>

Adjust "My Homepage" to suit.

one more thing . "My Homepage" is on the right. To force it to the left would we just add ?

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