XF 2 Setting up SSO with Keycloak for Xenfor

I have an AlmaLinux server that uses a Single Sign-On (SSO) system to streamline user access across various websites and services. This system allows users to log in with a single set of credentials, improving security and simplifying user management. The SSO system uses a free and open-source software stack, including:

  • FreeIPA for directory and user management,
  • Noggin as a self-service web interface for users, and
  • Keycloak for OpenID Connect, acting as a bridge between applications and LDAP.
Additionally, I have another AlmaLinux server where I’ve set up a Xenforo forum, and I’m looking to integrate SSO for the forum using the aforementioned SSO server.

However, I am still struggling to connect with Keycloak.

Any help would be truly appreciated
[TH] Connected Providers addon has proven to be exceptionally valuable, enabling us to seamlessly integrate our Xenforo forum with our Keycloak identity provider server using the OpenID Connect protocol for Single Sign-On (SSO)

To ensure a successful integration, ensure AlmaLinux and Keycloak servers are properly configured with valid SSL certificates.

Thank you for everyone's interest and messages. I particularly value the time and thoughtfulness of those who reached out to me personally
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