XF 2.2 Setting new users usergroup


Well-known member
Currently, when someone signs up, they get put in the Registered usergroup. How can I change that default to another usergroup?
The short answer is, you can't.

The system has been designed so every member is in the Registered user group as the primary group.

Additional permissions and styling is achieved by adding them to secondary user groups.

Ah! I didn't know that. Thanks for letting me know. Essentially, I am trying to cut down on poll spam. So I set up a group called Noobie. I wanted that as my initial group until the user had 10 posts, then they get promoted to the Registered group. But it seems they are there already! Hmmm, will have to think again.
So I will have like 50K users in the Registered group. Remove the poll permissions from that group. Then set a promotion so that Registered members get added to a group called PollCreators if post>10? Something like that?
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