Server limit for video upload in to post


H All

I'm looking for your help. This question is about video uploads into posts but having looked I can't find a topic before in the same vein as this.

I've got a usergroup which is trusted. I'd like them to be able to upload video in to posts. It would be video from their pc or direct into a post from their phone.
There would be no copyright issues as it's from the user only. Used mainly to show a vehicle, a mechanical part in motion etc
I want to restrict it so that overly long vids can't be uploaded - perhaps 1 minute max.
The server limit set at 32mb [32,768] at the moment but most vids are rejected as too large.

I realise that different camera settings will give different file sizes but .....In your opinion what sort of server limit would be necessary to allow about a minute of phone video ?

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It would depend on the quality of the video being uploaded and on the format they are uploading in AVI,Mpeg4 etc etc

Its kind of how long is a piece of string.......
It would depend on the quality of the video being uploaded and on the format they are uploading in AVI,Mpeg4 etc etc

Its kind of how long is a piece of string.......
thanks. Yeh, I was just trying to see if anyone came back and said what they have as settings. It's easy to just open the settings fully but I want to restrict file size while giving a short time allowance. I've tried to take video on a timed shoot. I guess I'll have to alter the server settings and keep trying it.
Here are some m4v files with details, I fond the m4v compressed format to be best for compression etc

May give you an idea

Screenshot 2022-02-28 at 21.40.02.pngScreenshot 2022-02-28 at 21.40.11.pngScreenshot 2022-02-28 at 21.40.20.pngScreenshot 2022-02-28 at 21.40.32.pngScreenshot 2022-02-28 at 21.40.42.pngScreenshot 2022-02-28 at 21.41.06.pngScreenshot 2022-02-28 at 21.41.20.webp
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Live demo:

XenForo Media Gallery I mean :).
You can force transcoding of videos uploaded on XMG.

Thanks again rdn.

At the moment we haven't got XMG so I don't know much about it. We don't really need any form of gallery. The issue we have is lets say, when you have a problem with your vehicle so you start a thread describing it and attach a small video of the problem into the post.
I could just open up the server limit setting but I don't want to do that and end up with 15min videos in posts. So I was looking to see if anyone did a similar thing in allowing very short videos in posts and what their settings were.
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