Sensy Style [Paid] [Deleted]


anonymousFR submitted a new resource:

Sensy Style (version Sensy) - Style Sensy Xenforo XenDesign

  • Style version 1.1
  • Couleur primaire utilisé : Gris & bleu

En achetant nos styles, vous acceptez nos conditions d'utilisations. Toute nos créations, sont soumise à une licences Copyright © Toute suppression, modification entière ou partielle de nos copyright entraîneront des poursuites judiciaire contre le " Détournement du droit d'auteur "
By purchasing our styles, you agree to our...

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Could do with some text style enhancements imho. Some of the text is near impossible to read.

Thank you to you for your remarks. For demonstration
it is a forgets me. you can begin to see this in our forum
by selecting a style
I also enhanced the colors at the instructions

Thank you to you!
P.S: sorry if my english is bad: (
EDIT: i have change the color text bleu for white ;)
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