XF 1.5 Search without requiring username


Well-known member
Maybe I'm missing something here. I just want to find all threads that exist after a certain date. I can't seem to do this. I must enter a username or user a predefined filter for "recent posts" or I get this message. Is there any way to change this or remove the restriction?

Please specify a search query or the name of a member.
Use * as a search term - this wildcard will then search for everything.
Thanks but it doesn't work.

The following members could not be found: *.

And using that on keywords also spits that out and says that a minimum number of characters is required for search (I'd have to turn that off, I guess, but can't turn off the members requirement.)
It does on this site but that of course uses the Enhanced Search. :)

I don't think you can find all threads after a certain date using the front end search.

What are you wanting to achieve anyway? Depending on what it is, the Batch Update Threads in the ACP may be what you need.
Nice, thanks -- although I sometimes search for threads with 1 response as well, since users may bump threads or the first response isn't sufficient. This will do for now but not optimal. I guess you win some, lose some. At least this softens the fall, lol. Thanks.
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