rsync help


Well-known member
Hey all.

I want to backup my forum to my backup server, but file permissions are not being copied. Here's the command,

rsync -arvz -e 'ssh -p xx' --progress  testing/ root@

Secondly, which method do you think is best?
1: rsync'ing the entire httpdocs uncompressed, I believe rsync ignores files which haven't changed so after the 1st run I'm only syncing files from XF updates/plugin updates.

2: gzip httpdocs and rsync that over, just 1 file.

what's better?

Never parse your ssh password in a cron or job command line, it will show on a processlist !
Never parse your ssh password in a cron or job command line, it will show on a processlist !

Option 1 is best, will save processing and bandwidth

I use
rsync -a --delete -e ssh
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-p is specifying the port :)
Although I do have the ssh key password protected, what's the best way to do it?
My understanding is that --password-file=pass.txt is the best option, correct?
Or maybe -i to include the private ssh key?
Yeah, I have already done that. The key shared between server and backup server is password protected.
-p, --perms preserve permissions
-o, --owner preserve owner (root only)
-g, --group preserve group
-D, --devices preserve devices (root only)
-t, --times preserve times
-p, --perms preserve permissions
-o, --owner preserve owner (root only)
-g, --group preserve group
-D, --devices preserve devices (root only)
-t, --times preserve times

Thanks, I guess -arvzog should do it.
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