XF 1.1 RSS Feed isn't correctly Validated:


Active member
Besides the fact that XenForo does not allow content from but permits content 'to', the RSS Feed isn't correctly validated. When I run my RSS Feed through this link: http://validator.w3.org/feed/ ...it gives errors when I put my RSS Feed in.

Here is my RSS Feed: http://sck-mobile.com/community/index.php?forums/-/index.rss.

The result of my RSS Feed, was this: http://validator.w3.org/feed/check....le.com/community/index.php?forums/-/index.rss

Now I know that it has been ruled that the XenForo RSS Feed has NO Bugs, but there IS something 'buggy' about it. Maybe this thread can be posted into the 'Requests' area, if nothing can be done about this? Alot of great content 'should' be able to be passed through RSS Feeds IMO.
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