XF 2.1 Route redirects and action not found


Well-known member
Here is my route:
Edit route  tips bysport   Bet Clever XenForo Add on   Admin control panel.webp

When I click the link from the Tips page, it redirects back to the main Tips page. When it was working, when I clicked a sport it would go to tips/bysport/2/ but would give an error that the action Bysport2 doesn't exist which doesn't make sense.

Here is my actionTips:
    public function actionBySport(ParameterBag $params)
        $options = \XF::options();
        $db = \XF::db();
        $visitor = \XF::visitor();
        $app = \XF::app();
        $sportsFinder = \XF::finder('BetClever\Tipsters:Sports');
        $tipsFinder = \XF::finder('BetClever\Tipsters:Tips');
        $sportId = $this->assertSportExists($params->sport_id);
        $page = $params->page;
        $perPage = 10;
        $sport = $tipsFinder->order('match_date', 'DESC')->limitByPage($page, $perPage)->where('sport_id', $sportId)->with('Events', 'User', 'Sports', 'Leagues')->fetch();
        $total = $tipsFinder->total();
        $maxPage = ceil($total / $perPage);
        $this->assertCanonicalUrl($this->buildLink('tips/bysport', '', ['page' => $page]));
        $this->assertValidPage($page, $perPage, $total, 'tips/bysport');

        $sports = $sportsFinder->fetch();
        $viewParams = [
            'perPage' => $perPage,
            'page' => $page,
            'sport' => $sport,
            'total' => $total,
            'maxPage' => $maxPage,
            'sports' => $sports

        return $this->view('BetClever\Tipsters:View', 'bc_tips_bysport_view', $viewParams);
So I figure it out, using ParameterBag $params is not an option apparently as it will redirect back to the index page so I'll have to separate the page.
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