Teascu Dorin
Active member
Here is the Romanian language version of Xenforo
1st release:
roStyles Community
Portalul Iubitorilor de Animale din Moldova
Forumul Suporterilor F.C. Dacia
Terms of Usage:
1st release:
- Fri, 14th Oct 2011 @ 7:00PM (v1.0.4)
- Install instruction in the archive
- Install instruction detailed: https://www.rostyles.com/forum/f5/language-install-instruction-288/
- Translation created at roStyles Community
- Translation phrases: 4497 items
roStyles Community
Portalul Iubitorilor de Animale din Moldova
Forumul Suporterilor F.C. Dacia
Terms of Usage:
- Please do report any issues found to be fixed asap
- Please do not redistribute or re-post this pack elsewhere
- Use the attachment or my site (https://rostyles.com/forum/f14/romanian-language-pack-v1-0-x-287/) to download
- Teascu Dorin (https://www.rostyles.com / support@rostyles.com)
Copyright (c)2011 roStyles.com. Some Rights Reserved.