XF 2.2 Rewrite Rules for MyBB

I'm going to be migrating our MyBB forum to Xenforo in a few weeks. Since we run a movie ratings/review community, we have a movie database in WordPress that link to discussions in the forums, not something I'd rather not fix manually. A couple people on The Admin Zone as well as in a presales question I asked here said rewrite rules should be able to do this using the vBulletin redirection add-on with minor tweaks. I'm terrible at rewrite rules and I was hoping someone might be able to walk me through it. Our forum links look like this: https://forums.domain.org/showthread.php?tid=20902. (Obviously the tid number changes depending on the thread.)

Can anyone help me with this?
Are you retaining IDs?

Are the member, thread, post IDs etc. the same in both MyBB and XF?

If so you can get away with rewrite rules in .htaccess, otherwise you will need the redirection script add-on.
Are you retaining IDs?

Are the member, thread, post IDs etc. the same in both MyBB and XF?

If so you can get away with rewrite rules in .htaccess, otherwise you will need the redirection script add-on.
It doesn't look like the IDs are being retained. That's why I assumed I'd need the vBulletin redirection add-on with some tweaks.
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