Retrieve Day and Month as separate strings.

Hello, I am trying to create a unique style for my XenPorta Recent News block. I need to display only the day's number of the promotion date.

I managed to find this inside the block's php.
foreach ($news AS &$post)
            $strtime = new DateTime(date('r', $post['promote_date']));
            $strtime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(XenForo_Application::get('options')->guestTimeZone));
            list($post['month'], $post['day']) = explode('.', $strtime->format('n.d'));
            $post['month'] = new XenForo_Phrase('month_'.$post['month'].'_short');

I tried to put {xen:helper thread, $post['day'])} in a span but it won't let me even save the template. I will also need to get the Month too but I was guessing I can do a if/then for "If &month = 8 then &monthStr = 'Aug'
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