Require X Posts Before Creating Conversation [Paid] [Deleted]


Well-known member
PayPal has left Turkey. That's why this resource has been deleted by me.
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You can already prevent users from starting conversations by simply using a user group promotion that can be based on number of posts made (or indeed any other criteria) and then granting the "Start conversations" permission. Therefore can you clarify the main purpose of this add-on? Is it to give the Error text message in your screenshot?
Everyone don't need to use user group promotion or another criteria. It means a lot of user can use but not all.
The user group promotion system is pretty easy to use though, plus it's free.

And is it to give the Error text message in my screenshot? Of course that's also a reason.
Which could also be done using a notice that targets the conversation page, also free.

I just thought it was fair to point out that all of this can be done with core functionality. I'm sure you wouldn't want people buying this and only realising afterwards that they could do this with core functionality for free.

I think it would be honest of you to state this in your resource description. Users can then decide if your one-stop solution for $8 is worth it for them. :)
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