Add-on Request - Separate/Exclusive style for bots only


Well-known member
I want to specify an exclusive style for all major bots, ie. google, alexa, bing and the like.
I guess, IPB they have this built-in.
I just want to do not load, extra resources for bots that only intended to human visitors.
At least with Adsense it is against their TOS if a page is presented differently only for bots versus humans. GoogleBot also has some issues with that because some people try stuff keywords & other content on bot-only pages versus what actual visitors would see.
There are reasons why you'd want to do it, especially if you're not running Adsense so in itself it doesn't break any rules.

As another example, its possible to put an ad at every ad location if you wanted but that would violate Adsense rules too.

I was just trying to warn you that this likely would violate their terms.
The $visitor object has an array key named is_robot to detect bots, so you could create an add-on to change their style based on if that's true or false.
The $visitor object has an array key named is_robot to detect bots, so you could create an add-on to change their style based on if that's true or false.

is_robot is something I've used to to make sure StopBotResources never catches spiders as spam bots... so it would be simple to do. But it is risky once you start doing different things for search engine bots compared to normal users

I would make sure none of the content is different:

Making content available to spiders which isn't available to guests is classed as cloaking by Google and can get your site blacklisted.
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<= This is a high risk area (not just for AdSense, but SEO too)

What resources are you talking about, javascript and css (or are you talking about images / content / text)?

And for what purpose, to reduce the bandwidth that spiders take up, or make your site seem faster to the spiders?

If it is resource related, why not make use of something that isn't high risk, make use of your robot.txt
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