I am not sure if this is exactly needed, because we can include reasons that would cover any media content (e.g. inappropriate content - can cover both visual and textual content) -- but anything that builds upon and improves on this add-on (which is solid as it is) I would be interested in helping with. I know this is likely a very simply template modification somewhere, but I'd like to see the 'report' option be a little more visible and obvious for users who may not be familiar with XF, as well.
I'm not that smart - I wish I had an ounce of the skill you and others have around here for development. So many things I want to do, no knowledge to do it!
I wanted to be sure that I felt an issue with the report button existed, so I went back through the forums and it seems I may have just been a little tired.
The report option isn't too hard to find, although I'm use to XF, but it seems I may have been overthinking the need to have it be a more pronounced feature.
Unless, of course, someone else thinks so.
I appreciate you reaching out regarding my feedback TickTackk - thank you!