Remove the breadcrumbs from a specific node

Remove the breadcrumbs from a specific node

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
Brogan submitted a new resource:

Remove the breadcrumbs from a specific node (version 1.0) - Crumbs!

Many thanks to Indigo for coming up with the solution for this.

This particular edit can be used if you want to set a Page as the home page.
It works much better without the top and bottom breadcrumbs as it looks more like a static page, rather than part of the forum, which of course it still is.

So the header, footer and styling all remain, just the breadcrumbs...

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Is there a way to just remove certain parts of the breadcrumb on nodes and not the whole breadcrumb trail? Like removing the "forums" part of the breadcrumb and just have: Home > Articles instead of Home > Forums > Articles ?
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