XF 1.2 Remove popup control arrows


Active member
Hello all,

I am wanting to keep Popup Control Arrows on my site, but want to remove them from my "Alerts" and "Inbox" tabs...

Is there anyone with knowledge of what I need to do in order to comment the arrows out of those locations but keep them everywhere else on the site -> (For example, in taiga chat, forum controls, sub forums, etc.)

Thank you
I've tried doing things in EXTRA.css like:
.alerts .PopupControl .PopupClosed
    display: none !important;
With no luck... If someone could give me an idea that would be excellent, thanks!
If it's a third party style then contact the designer for support.

If it's your own style, revert the changes you made when you added them.
For anyone who has this issue, I'll post the resolution that I came to, in order to remove them:

.alerts.Popup .arrowWidget
    display: none !important;

.inbox.Popup .arrowWidget
    display: none !important;
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