[rellect] Organize TMS [Deleted]


Well-known member
rellect submitted a new resource:

[rellect] Organize TMS - Allows to group few template edits under a title.

The TMS is a great feature, I'm using it a lot. But at some point I had too many edits than I could remember what's each is for. The description field wasn't comfortable enough to manage the edits. I needed some kind of order.

So I came up with an idea, take few template edits and group them under a title.

This modification will add a `group` field into the TMS, which is also exported along with the xml file, and can be imported back after uploading the file.

Use the same group title for...

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rellect updated [rellect] Organize TMS with a new update entry:

Installation fix

Apparently the condition that loads the files (like the install file) is case-sensitive. I wasn't aware of that since this wasn't affecting my local installation (maybe windows thing).

Anyway, if you succeed to install the mod without getting error like "The files associated with this add-on could not be found" - you can skip this update.

Read the rest of this update entry...
you see it?;)
Rich (BB code):
  public static function install($existingAddOn, $addOnData, SimpleXMLElement $xml)
     if (XenForo_Application::$versionId < 1020000)
       throw new XenForo_Exception('This add-on requires XenForo 1.2 or higher.', true);

     if (!$existingAddOn)
       // New installation
       // Upgrades
       if($addOnData['version_id'] > $installedAddon['version_id'])
         self::jumpToStep($addOnData['version_id'] + 1);
XF 1.2.2
Template modifications don't apply (0/1/0) if there is a xenforo syntax (example: @pageBackground) in the source replacement tab (Simple Replacement)!
After Uninstalling it's ok. (1/0/0)
XF 1.2.2
Template modifications don't apply (0/1/0) if there is a xenforo syntax (example: @pageBackground) in the source replacement tab (Simple Replacement)!
After Uninstalling it's ok. (1/0/0)
Tested and confirmed. Investigating.

Fixed. I'll release a new version later today.
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