XF 1.3 rel=nofollow for external links


Well-known member
Whenever I post a link at my community, the link is displayed without any "no follow notice".

I want that everytime a link is added, a "rel = "nofollow" statement is added to the link.

How can i do that?
Google has practically nulled the usefulness of rel="nofollow". According to Google; even if you add it, it will still leak your PR, while missing out on the benefit of linking to authoritative sites. The unknown is if Google is speaking the truth though. As there is a constant battle between SEO specialists / webmasters who need higher ranking and Google who needs useful results, it would not be the first time for Google to publish tainted information.
This works:
Ok, I'm using this now.

Nofollow for everyone (Also Moderators and Administrators)

Edit this file:

        $options['states'] += array(
            'noFollowDefault' => $options['noFollow']

and replace with
        $options['states'] += array(
            'noFollowDefault' => true

Thanks to Jake

It's not ideal to edit files, but this is the only option now.
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