Lack of interest rel="nofollow" depends on current user even on quotes

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Active member

I know this is a normal behavior with the current implementation but I do think it would be useful to force nofollow in quotes. Especially since addons exists to quote publicly users when warning them.

Current behaviour:
rel is applied according to current user permissions. If an administrator quotes a user, nofollow will not be applied.​

Expected behaviour:
nofollow should be applied if:​
- The quoted user is not an administrator​
- The quoted user is an administrator and the current poster is an administrator (To avoid users fake quoting an administrator and getting their nofollow permission)​

Steps to reproduce:

Have a user post a link, it will be rel="nofollow noopener".​
Quote it as an administrator, it will be rel="noopener".​

This should work on both 2.1 and 2.0 as I have not seen any changelog about this.

Best regards,
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