Recent Posts

Recent Posts 1.0

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Well-known member
AndyB submitted a new resource:

Recent Posts - Creates a Recent Posts link for logged in members.


Creates a Recent Posts link for logged in members.

(Example of Recent Posts link in navigation bar)

View attachment 129453

  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Install Add-on" page.
  3. Upload the addon-RecentPosts_v1.0.xml file
  4. Click the Install Add-on button.
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I have installed this and how to set the RECENT POSTS as index?
because i set 'Index Page Route' to find-new/posts&recent=1 and shows error.

Hi @AndyB ,

are you still supporting this addon? If yes, I'd like to report an issue with threads showing under recent posts despite 'view threads by others' permission being revoked.
Hi @Brogan

I know this is a necrobump but this issues perfectly fits to the problem I want to describe. My problem is, even with revoked 'view threads by others' the thread titles do show up in the 'recent post' sidebar. When following the link users get a permission issue warning. So they can't actually see the threads but they are able to see the titles and that already is annoying. Is it related to me using an outdated xf version? Like is that specific problem a known bug in xf 1.3.x? (the xf version I am running on)

Best regards,

EDIT: Just realized "Recent Posts" is actually a 3rd party addon. So I presume this is a bug I need to report to AnyB.

Do you have a solution for this in mind?
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