Recent Activity - include thread viewing info for admins

Can you elaborate? Are you referring to how many views a thread's gotten?

No - along with

Maru registered
Maru created X
Maru replied to Y
Maru liked Z

I'd like to see

Maru viewed thread A
Maru watched media B

and so on
I could do this. Are you sure you want your recent activity to be flooded with thread views though? Seems like that'd be all you would see. I'm sure people view threads more than people post or like content, right? Also are you willing to pay for the development?
I could do this. Are you sure you want your recent activity to be flooded with thread views though? Seems like that'd be all you would see. I'm sure people view threads more than people post or like content, right? Also are you willing to pay for the development?

Sorry for taking so long to come back to you on this. I've been thinking about it, trying to work out what exactly I'm really hoping to achieve... which I think is something that could be used as an alternative* to the current forum homepage - I think it might make more sense than the standard list of forums.

I'm already using the Live Feed addon to add ajax update functionality to the Recent Activity page. So what I'd like is for the extra "$user is viewing X thread...", "$user is viewing / has rated / has commented on Y media...", "$user is viewing / has entered Z competition..." elements to be available as admin-selectable options, probably tied to usergroups, and possibly also including guest activity for admin viewing only.

Can you put a price on this?

* or part of an alternative - i'm also looking at the feasibility of using Brogan's Featured Threads addon to replace my existing Joomla article content...
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