XF 2.1 Reactions 👍 😍 🤣 😲 🙁 😡

Welcome to the third in our "Have you seen...?" series for XF 2.1. We've had a phenomenal, er, reaction, to what we've shown so far. In case you haven't seen our previous two entries, you can check them out here.

As ever, to ensure you're kept up to date, we strongly recommend giving that "Watch forum" link a poke here and enabling email notifications if you haven't done so already 🙂

Today we're going to show you something that we have been talking about doing internally for quite some time - content reactions. This concept has been popular with XF users for a long time and has spawned some popular add-ons. We have quite possibly been talking about doing it since long before it was popularised by Facebook so, finally, here we are 🙂

Let's first look at how Reactions are set up in the Admin CP:


As you can see, we've not exactly gone overboard in terms of the reactions we're shipping by default, but this felt like a sensible selection. We've added a concept of being able to assign either "Positive", "Negative" or "Neutral" to each reaction and although some of the default reactions have negative connotations, we decided not to assign any of them as "Negative" by default.

But, let's look at adding a new negative "Dislike" reaction:


The process here should be fairly familiar if you have ever added new smilies as it uses a very similar approach for referencing the image/sprite. For your convenience we have included a "Dislike" icon in the sprite sheet should you wish to add it yourselves.

Most of this is self explanatory, but you will see we can also specify a "Text color". You'll see this in action... now!


The behaviour of the "Like" button isn't significantly different. You can still just click/tap the button to give a like (or remove the selected reaction) but to access other reactions you can hover over the link (or tap and hold on touch devices) and a tooltip will be displayed with your active reactions.

The "Text color" value we mentioned before is applied here to indicate your selected reaction. It is also displayed in the alert templates for reactions:

Screenshot 2018-10-15 at 18.45.54.webp

We have also redesigned the reaction summary:

Screenshot 2018-10-15 at 18.58.33.webp

And the reaction overlay with a new tabbed design:

Screenshot 2018-10-15 at 19.02.20.webp

And, of course, Reactions are sent through push notifications (if not opted-out):

live.browserstack.com_dashboard (3).webp

We also show a summary of the most popular reactions (up to 3) on the thread list:


Finally, you'll notice that the primary statistic listed on member list items, member tooltips and member statistics is no longer just a simple "like count" but instead we're now tracking an overall "Reaction score".

This metric is the total number of positive reactions minus the total number of negative reactions.

localhost_21x_index.php_members_&key=highest_reaction_score (1).webp

Most of this is self explanatory so we're probably ok to leave it there without going into too much detail.

Still quite a bit more to go, so we'll see you again later this week for more 🙂

Developers: you may be wondering about a few technical details. We have a special HYS for you guys in a couple of weeks focusing on a bit more detail for some miscellaneous power user/developer changes, so stay tuned for that!
It’s the same system Andy. You’d just switch off the 5 additional reactions then you’re left with the same like system you have now.

Oh good I wanted to make sure Reactions can be easily disabled. However instead of having to disable the 6 default Reactions, it would be nice to have a master switch.
I'll accept that we can do more regarding suggestions, and there are various things that we're looking into internally.
Will there be a new system for 2.1 for suggestions? I have read in the recent past that you guys are thinking about it but nothing so far yet.
I think the old way of "just like the first post" is a very insufficient way of handling the suggestions. I find the critique of Mike Creuzer perfectly fine because the current system is not helpful for any of us (devs, XF team or the users). It lacks transparency at the very least.
We use Reactions by ThemeHouse - can we switch over to you all from this? Would HATE to lose thousands and thousands of Reactions lost.
I will very likely have an importer for TH Reactions done in a few weeks. Once some technical details are clarified I believe I can update Content Ratings so it will be database compatible with XF2.1 with very minor changes.

I haven't yet worked out how to distribute the importers (XF1 Post Rating, XF2 [TH] Reactions, XF2 Content Ratings => XF2.1) or if they will be paid or not.

Oh good I wanted to make sure Reactions can be easily disabled. However instead of having to disable the 6 default Reactions, it would be nice to have a master switch.
My add-on once rebased onto XF2.1 will allow the "Like" rating to be disabled. It already needs to workout of a user can't actually use any ratings and disable the rating menu anyway.
It's honestly like we can't win sometimes. We don't implement features people ask for, and we get negativity about it. We do, and then we get negativity about it.
Don't let a difference of opinion bother you too much, at the point of your reply you only had 1 among the many positive replies. Now I see there are 2.
And yet, at the same time, (this is directed towards @Bionic Rooster) it is clear that some people do want us to implement these things in the core rather than relying on add-ons which may or may not be around for the long term.
We have very few qualified dev's who put out quality items and rightly charge for their work. Those who don't want to support their efforts ask for core implementation. And yes they too may not be around long term if their add ons are added to the core. There is at this time very few die hard quality add on devs as it is.
I honestly did not know that that was your roadmap. This is indeed formally what you will be doing as I dont recall reading it. As that was my concern, I do not want to build things you are planning on building.
And this is my main concern that more add on dev's will not want to build things that add quality function never intended for the core unless those not wanting to support you guys make suggestions and have it added a long time down the road.
All in all, great to see new development coming to XenForo. My main question though is why replace 2 addons (soon to be 3, as isnt Luke building his add-on currently?) from your loyal developers with only a fraction of the functionality?

I personally think this is a bit rude as developers are working on tools like these. Why not do the sensible thing with a roadmap?
Well, in fairness, I don't think most users want to see a case where developers are never adding popular, in demand features just because someone has already made an addon for it- because for one thing most of those addon's cost extra to purchase and then a yearly (in some cases a quarterly or biyearly) renewal fee on top of that, which is often more than the yearly renewal fee for the core itself. Plus, of course, users never know when addon developers might stop developing their addon's. But I do agree with you on the feature parity point: if you're going to bring out something like this, you probably should at least look at the most popular addon that does the same thing and shoot for having at least all those features. But that's good for you, since it means most users already using your reaction addon won't trade it in for the core reactions system. ;)
On that note, if you have just like enabled does it still require the animated popup or can you just click that like button?
Missed this, sorry.

The tooltip to select a reaction isn't required anyway. You can always just click/tap to give a like (the default and immovable reaction) or remove the existing reaction.

If only Like is enabled, there's no tooltip.
Oh good I wanted to make sure Reactions can be easily disabled. However instead of having to disable the 6 default Reactions, it would be nice to have a master switch.
There are only 5 reactions to disable if you want to keep the Like (and if you don't want any likes, you use permissions to prevent anyone using them). 5 clicks to disable really isn't a lot and it's a one-time action. Seems unnecessary to add a bunch of code for a master switch for something that will be done once by a minority of forums.
Well, in fairness, I don't think most users want to see a case where developers are never adding popular, in demand features just because someone has already made an addon for it
I would never ask XenForo not to. What I would ask is for clarity when they do. Ive never said they they should not build existing add-ons, but I would argue that there may have been other things to build. Its not a good look, but I understand the rationale. My main concern was the roadmap and if they are indeed working on better ways to improve that and also are treating the suggestions forum as their roadmap, that solves my concerns. Maybe I was wrong for saying it was rude, I don't know, I would have liked a heads up thats all.

I will very likely have an importer for TH Reactions done in a few weeks. Once some technical details are clarified I believe I can update Content Ratings so it will be database compatible with XF2.1 with very minor changes.

I haven't yet worked out how to distribute the importers (XF1 Post Rating, XF2 [TH] Reactions, XF2 Content Ratings => XF2.1) or if they will be paid or not.
I really have to say thank you for this @Xon I appreciate you helping out with the importer. Would you be making your addon open to do the migration? Otherwise we would need our own importer as well.
If I was an addon dev I think I'd have to be pragmatic about this kind of thing.

It must surely always be a risk you take when developing something, especially a feature that has been suggested publicly. Just hope you make your money back for your development time.

Also a big three thumbs up superlike to Xon for being pragmatic (good word that) about this and working positively. It's been money well spent using his addon for the last year (imported from xf1 post ratings), I'm inclined to stay with it as an extra functionality to the core reactions.
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My main concern was the roadmap
Out of curiosity, does any of the competetors do that? I purchased Xon's addon less than a year ago, and I feel the frustration after all the investment (time and money) made (by the 3rd party devs), but is it really fair to blame the core developers for not doing something (announcing well ahead, as I remember you guys released yours more than a year ago) that, in my knowledge, not a well-accepted business approach?
Out of curiosity, does any of the competetors do that? I purchased Xon's addon less than a year ago, and I feel the frustration after all the investment (time and money) made (by the 3rd party devs), but is it really fair to blame the core developers for not doing something (announcing well ahead, as I remember you guys released yours more than a year ago) that, in my knowledge, not a well-accepted business approach?
I am not familiar with other forum software doing that, no, but many other software companies do indeed. And I have said I may have not been fair to Chris. But like, its not like this place is crawling with developers anymore. Maybe we can work on that ecosystem?
Okay, this is one I have been getting requests for this occasionally (a lot of my users are also active on FB so are used to it there) so now you've got my attention.
announcing well ahead
Also, I can't help recalling all the noises and criticism XF team received when @Kier gave an early roadmap for XF2 and had a delay with the release (which is very common in any industry). Hence I think there is a reason why the industry hold up such info till the last moment (on top of the business case of the element of surprise).
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The tooltip to select a reaction isn't required anyway. You can always just click/tap to give a like (the default and immovable reaction) or remove the existing reaction.

Makes me wonder if, and if so, to what extend the Like reaction is editable?
Out of curiosity, does any of the competetors do that? I purchased Xon's addon less than a year ago, and I feel the frustration after all the investment (time and money) made (by the 3rd party devs), but is it really fair to blame the core developers for not doing something (announcing well ahead, as I remember you guys released yours more than a year ago) that, in my knowledge, not a well-accepted business approach?

I totally accept the argument that you don't want competitors to know what's round the corner. having said that I would imagine it may be possible to identify the main developers who over the years have brought a lot of added value to xenforo and find a way to work with them.

How many times has there been a question in presages:

"Can xenforo do XYZ?"

"No, there's an addon that can"

"OK, I'll buy it then"

Maybe those devs who are longstanding, trustworthy and bring people into the fold could be given some kind of heads up ("don't do that because we are..."), obviously with a well thought out NDA. I work as a beta tester for a very large and well known software company, and I'm privileged to know huge developments a year hard in some cases along with a whole raft of other testers. Nothing of any significance has ever been leaked because on the whole people are trustworthy and respect that privilege they have been given.
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@Chris D can the Reactions support Font Awesone icons instead of images? If not, can you please add it.

Also, thank you for adding this to the Xenforo core. This was a need it feature, and could not have been left to some addon devolopers which at some point could have decided that they don't want to support development. Thank you!
Also, I can't help recalling all the noises and criticism XF team received when @Kier gave an early roadmap for XF2 and had a delay with the release (which is very common in any industry). Hence I think there is a reason why the industry hold up such info till the last moment (on top of the business case of element if surprise).
Indeed so. To be clear, I am 100% happy with XenForo investing in their platform again. There are flaws with an official roadmap as well, but I stand by the fact that there really aren't that many developers here and a simple heads up this is "planned" (even if its just a label on the thread) would save me and many others time. Which all in all helps make sure time is being well spent towards the software itself.

We are all contributing to this software, third party developers, customers, everyone. XenForo is not building this on their own, the community as a whole is the strongest here than any other platform. We are all proud and want to help make the best platform. Though we may argue or whatever, its all for the same goal. Doing what we love, and ideally making a living doing it?
Makes me wonder if, and if so, to what extend the Like reaction is editable?
You can do anything except delete it or disable it. So you can change the text color, name, image, you could make it negative if you really wanted 😼

@Chris D can the Reactions support Font Awesone icons instead of images? If not, can you please add it.

Also, thank you for adding this to the Xenforo core. This was a need it feature, and could not have been left to some addon devolopers which at some point could have decided that they don't want to support development. Thank you!
You can download SVG files from Font Awesome directly and just use those. Similar with Emoji One artwork which are arguably much more appropriate as they are more expressive and colourful.
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