Reaction permissions


Active member
Hello what about adding permission, on nodes where "reactions" can be selected such as in "news/ect" and allowing us admins to have user group permissions so we can't have random people just going around and we cannot see who they are such as "guest ect".
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Upvote 37
Usergroups and node permission per reaction would make reactions so much better. I don't like do give my members the ability to give negative reactions because of "context sensitivity" and cause retaliation, etc.., but allowing negative reactions for moderators would be a "slap in the hand" way of warning a member to stop without actually needing to give a warning or simply correcting members of certain(silly) things that don't necessarily need the use of the warning system.

Hope XF considers this suggestion, please show your interest by liking the first post peeps!
This addon does exactly what you want.

But you're right, this should be a standard feature.
This addon does exactly what you want.

But you're right, this should be a standard feature.
As of now-
This add-on has been deleted :(
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