There is an add-on for Quicksearch, i am not happy with. So I have done it for myself and for my needs.
Now I think about to publish my versions, I have divided them into parts for
My question is now: What you would await from such a quicksearch on these pages:
Forum home > all threads?
Form x > all threads or only threads in this forum
Thread > all threads or threads in the forum of this thread
Resource Overview > all threads
Categegory > all resources or resources in this category
Resource > all resources or resources in this category
The quote addon is same like rm in the newest version.
For me it is nice to make differences, but do you really think a normal user will make a difference where he uses the quick search?
From my point of view it must be like this:
Forum home > all threads?
Form x > all threads or only threads in this forum with a checkbox [ ]
Thread > all threads or only threads in this forum with a checkbox [ ]
same to RM and Quotes
Now I think about to publish my versions, I have divided them into parts for
My question is now: What you would await from such a quicksearch on these pages:
Forum home > all threads?
Form x > all threads or only threads in this forum
Thread > all threads or threads in the forum of this thread
Resource Overview > all threads
Categegory > all resources or resources in this category
Resource > all resources or resources in this category
The quote addon is same like rm in the newest version.
For me it is nice to make differences, but do you really think a normal user will make a difference where he uses the quick search?
From my point of view it must be like this:
Forum home > all threads?
Form x > all threads or only threads in this forum with a checkbox [ ]
Thread > all threads or only threads in this forum with a checkbox [ ]
same to RM and Quotes