Push Wordpress Comments To Associated Thread In Forums

But ... when you View the WP article ...
(1) will the xenforo comments appear below ?
(2) will the number of xenforo comments appear on the wordpress page ?

You'd do the same thing on the WP article. Have a button/link to the forum thread at the end of the article but it wouldnt tell you the number of comments.

In theory even that would be possible in the form of a micro-widget. By that I mean a small button/block which reads the number of replies to the thread and then displays them as X number of comments. I dont have any idea how to achieve that but Im guessing it would work on a similar principle to the latest threads/whats new widgets that already exist.

A lot of big sites require you to press a button/link at the bottom of an article to see the replies, so this is no different. It's not the ideal solution but it's the most sensible option until we can get proper integration.

The big issue with proper integration is that it will always remain a pipe dream unless you go for an integrated forum/cms solution like vb4 (which I'm aware is terrible). Even if it became possible to use XenForo threads to show replies to WordPress articles/blogs, the system would be too high maintenance.


Because either XenForo or WordPress would make sure that the system breaks every time there is a new update. It's not in either companies interest for their software to enter into a slave/master relationship with the other. They would both prefer to be the alpha software and your main solution.
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I have similar issue with my current project. I have the "Discuss in Forums" button but due to the issue described by the OP I have disabled the comments in WP. The only way I allow currently any dialog is in the forums, which obviously has its issues. I also DO mind duplicating the content.

The idea for a thread post count sounds interesting.
I want the Comments on Wordpress Articles to appear under the Wordpress article.
Not a link to the forums.

If choosing between

xenforo comments
-which is just a link to a comments thread
- and the comments cannot appear under the wordpress article.

or login integration
- where you can have native wordpress comments

I'll take login integration.
The best part of comments is reading them after you read the article ... all on the same page.
I want the Comments on Wordpress Articles to appear under the Wordpress article.
Not a link to the forums.

If choosing between

xenforo comments
-which is just a link to a comments thread
- and the comments cannot appear under the wordpress article.

or login integration
- where you can have native wordpress comments

I'll take login integration.
The best part of comments is reading them after you read the article ... all on the same page.

I would like to respectfully disagree. I think it’s best to use each system for what they are originally designed and intended for. Wordpress is the king for Blogging (IMO) and XenForo could be the kind for discussions/forum, which is usually what you would want to have by allowing comments on your content/articles anyway. Reading them under the articles is insignificant convenience, which for the most part removes the need for a fully functional forums or pushes you to duplicate content.
There already is login integration, I think ... in xfrock's Wordpress integration ... non ?

I've heard there is but the issue here is that the comments should be uniform. For example the comments on the articles on your homepage and the comments on the same article in your forums should be the same set of comments.

I know that I personally find it annoying when I've begun discussing an article/blog via the homepage then I become aware of the forum thread on the article (which is often more lively) and then I have to duplicate my posts about the same article in two different locations.

A good example would be this.

Say there's an article that you, Akrion and I feel strongly about. I'm discussing the article in the thread on the forums and Akrion is discussing the same article on the homepage. You want to reply to both of us but you end up duplicating a lot of what you're saying because Akrion isnt reading the forum comments and Im not reading the comments on the homepage.

It's not the end of the world but it does segregate your community into HomePage v Forums
I've just enabled the News Feeds in XenForo beta 6. It's pulling stories from my blog and creating new threads for discussion. The trouble is that I have two places where people can discuss a topic. They can post a reply to the original blog posting OR they can post a reply in the forum thread that's created.

Ideally, I'd like to centralize comments. I don't mind allowing posting in both places, but in that case the discussion needs to be the same in both places. If I'm correct, I believe that's how it worked in the vB CMS. While I don't need an XF front-end, I would like to unify comments on news articles.

Any suggestions or ideas on how to make this happen are welcome.

I want the same thing.
Has this been done after 10 years?
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