Push notifications for reports

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
I don't think this has been suggested yet?

Push notifications for new reports, comments, reopened and assigned reports, etc. would be nice.

It would require some changes to the underlying concept and approach, but it would be great to be able to get native push notifications from XF, rather than relying on e.g. Slack integration.

Edit: And of course alerts would need to be implemented as a prerequisite.
Upvote 43
Yes, this would be great.
btw: It seems to me that Alerts for reports would be equally useful and would result in PUSH for reports.
I thought this is how it was on XF1 (part of the alert system), is this no longer the case? IIRC when it was running on TAZ some staff said publicly how they wanted to disable the moderation-specific alerts because they got swamped.
Hmm, I don't think Alerts for reports would be that useful (if the the report center is being used) - there is already a visible indicator on the screen when there is smth. new.

Push as well as E-Mail notifications would be really useful though, although we've already implementd this for internal use.

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