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Hello! So, I've extended ControllerPublic Thread to create a new action. My intention is to create a one-click action to easily go through a number of steps we undergo on my forum when accepting new applications.
Right now, I just have the action go to an overlay with placeholder information. However, I'm trying to pull in {$thread.username} and {$thread.title}, but I'm not getting any thread data. I feel like I must be missing something really silly, because I've definitely done this in the past. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong though.
Here is my Extended ControllerPublic_Thread:
And here is my rps_thread_accept template:
{xen:helper dump, $thread} just results in bool(false)
Right now, I just have the action go to an overlay with placeholder information. However, I'm trying to pull in {$thread.username} and {$thread.title}, but I'm not getting any thread data. I feel like I must be missing something really silly, because I've definitely done this in the past. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong though.
Here is my Extended ControllerPublic_Thread:
public function actionAppAccept()
$threadId = $this->_input->filterSingle('id', XenForo_Input::UINT);
$threadModel = $this->_getThreadModel();
$thread = $threadModel->getThreadById($threadId);
$viewParams = array(
'thread' => $thread
return $this->responseView('XenForo_ViewPublic_Base','rps_thread_accept', $viewParams);
And here is my rps_thread_accept template:
<xen:title>{xen:phrase rps_accept_character}</xen:title>
<form action="{xen:link 'thread/appAccept', $thread}" method="post" class="xenForm formOverlay" id="accept-app">
Thread Title: {$thread.title}<br>
Thread Starter: {$thread.username}
<p>Field for setting fandom
<p>Field for custom reply message
{xen:helper dump, $thread}
{xen:helper dump, $thread} just results in bool(false)