Add-on Promote and Demote


Well-known member
I had a custom mod on vBulletin that when a moderator clicks their name, they are offered a selection to promote, or demote the user, and the hiearchy is offered in the admincp like so:
registered, member, fatmember, moderator
So if a moderator clicks PROMOTE, and the user is part of the registered usergroup, they are set to the member usergroup.
Also if they are part of the registered usergroup and a moderator tries to demote them, it says NO USERGROUP IS OFFERED FOR THIS USER.

I would love to see this made since it allows moderator to add users to usergroups without admincp access.
I agree. The fact that I would have to give so much power to a user in order to do essentially a janitor's job is a bad time :(
It's really tedious to go into Admin CP and manually promote users. (Maybe I'm a little lazy), but I feel it would be a lot easier to do it via profile page or on the username pop-up when you click their name.
It's really tedious to go into Admin CP and manually promote users. (Maybe I'm a little lazy), but I feel it would be a lot easier to do it via profile page or on the username pop-up when you click their name.
I had an addon coded for me on vBulletin. You just click the user's name, (think XF's member card overlay) and you just click promote or demote. You define the hiearchy in the options like this:
If they are group 2, promoting moves them to 3, demoting moves them to 1. It was really nice :)
I had an addon coded for me on vBulletin. You just click the user's name, (think XF's member card overlay) and you just click promote or demote. You define the hiearchy in the options like this:
If they are group 2, promoting moves them to 3, demoting moves them to 1. It was really nice :)
Such as auto depromote group of user when user expiring pucharse?? :P
I'm interesting with it ;)
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