XF 1.4 Profile Post don't dispaly


Hi !

Profile Posts on my forum don't appear :(

As you can see profile post doesn't appear :/ And when I want to edit there is no texte box :(

I add this in the config.php file :
$config['enableListeners'] = false;

But it's the same, can you help me please ?
This is a common error I've seen with profile post add-ons. Do you have one that allows bbcode to be rendered? If so, disable it and try again.
Are you using an add-on to allow BBCodes to be displayed in your profile posts? If so, please disable it and try to view your profile again.

Disabling listeners does not completely disable add-ons, but allows testing for most cases.
Are you using an add-on to allow BBCodes to be displayed in your profile posts? If so, please disable it and try to view your profile again.

Disabling listeners does not completely disable add-ons, but allows testing for most cases.
Yes I tried to install the BBCode in profile post by Nobtita but When I tried to install it, it show me a blank page so I refresh and I go to the addons page and I saw there is installed so I deleted this but an other blank page so I refresh again and see the addon it's not here.

But I think the addon is not completely unistalled :/
This error occured when I have a blank page on all installation : ErrorException: Fatal Error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 71888 bytes) - library/XenForo/Model/Phrase.php:969
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