profile field About You: available in the post template?


Active member
I would like to add the first 200 or so characters from the post author's profile field About You in the post.

Is this variable available in the post template and if so what is the var?
Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> message

You can use this variable:


And you can use this to trim it to 200 characters:

{xen:helper snippet, $message.about, 200}

The same thing works in the post template, but you would use "$post" in place of "$message".
Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> message

You can use this variable:


And you can use this to trim it to 200 characters:

{xen:helper snippet, $message.about, 200}

The same thing works in the post template, but you would use "$post" in place of "$message".
Jake, do you know if this would work with XenPorta's article pages as they're based off of threads, or would I need to have it added by an add-on to do this?
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