Problems with Contact Us on a XenForo forum


New member
I can't contact the admins of a XenForo website through the Contact Us form. Every time I try to send a message, it will tell me that the message has spam-like elements and then trying again with anything else tells me that I already sent things with that form even though my message was blocked. After trying to send it once, I have to wait for a cooldown, but I don't think anything is actually being sent because of the filter.

Does anyone know if this is a built-in XenForo feature and what causes the spam block message? Thank you!
It may be the Askimet checking catching you and giving a false positive. Have you tried rewording your message, and if using links using fewer links or maybe actually just using a word and then link to it with the editor link feature?
It is also possible that the site is using an add-on that checks messages and determines if spam like qualities exist in it.
Maybe the admins of that particular forum think you are a spammer and they might have your ip address as one like that was banned for spam.
It always depends upon what it was you were sending.
If you were sending a bunch of links then maybe you shouldn't be doing that because that in itself is spam.
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