problem solved

Link your username to your user account and you can post in the appropriate area to obtain assistance. You will need to use the email you obtained your license under to log into the customer account area, then you can assign up to 5 persons to be able to be active in the licensed user area.

Then you can post in here and ask in this area
Link your username to your user account and you can post in the appropriate area to obtain assistance. You will need to use the email you obtained your license under to log into the customer account area, then you can assign up to 5 persons to be able to be active in the licensed user area.

Then you can post in here and ask in this area
sir i think i did it right . can you please check now ? i update my username in my customer area (Forum users) . does it ok now ?
sir i think i did it right . can you please check now ? i update my username in my customer area (Forum users) . does it ok now ?
I am simply another XF licensed user. I don't have access to see if you did it correctly or not... but you can confirm so by posting in that area I linked you to. If you can post there, then you were successful. I can take a few minutes from the time you associate the username (your @kushal) and your email that the license is under.

Looks like you were successful since you did post in the support area. Welcome to the XF family.
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