XF 2.1 Posts or threads in the approval queue cannot be "Spammed"


in memoriam 1947-2022
For posts in the Approval queue, the only options are
  • Ignore
  • Approve
  • Delete
There is no option to Spam the post.

Is this by design or am I missing something?

If it is by design, I would like to suggest that this be rectified in a future release, so I would ask that a moderator move this thread to the Suggestions forum.
You may need to adjust your Spam cleaner user criteria, it'll only show up for users who meet that criteria.

Search for spamUserCriteria in the admin panel (top right search).
Settings are as follows:

Maximum messages to check for spam  = 5
Spam phrases  /^http(|s):\/\/\S+/si
Spam cleaner user criteria: Maximum message count =5
Maximum days since registration  = 0 
Maximum reaction score received = 0
Settings are as follows:

Maximum messages to check for spam  = 5
Spam phrases  /^http(|s):\/\/\S+/si
Spam cleaner user criteria: Maximum message count =5
Maximum days since registration  = 0
Maximum reaction score received = 0
Does that account have more than 5 message on the site?
No. On this specific forum, only the first 5 posts are checked so if it gets to the approval queue it's because the member does not have more than 5 posts.

In the specific example which prompted me to post, it was the member's first post.
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