Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

I really like the idea of this add-on and have subscribed to this thread. When I finally move one of my vB sites to XF I'll surely be using this add-on.

Nicely done!
man, this addon looks awesome. i was wondering though, it would be awesome if you could look at posts by "most liked" or any other rating this addon is capable of. we're looking for a way to not just see "what's new" but also "useful posts" "highest rated", etc. it would be awesome if this was possible :)
man, this addon looks awesome. i was wondering though, it would be awesome if you could look at posts by "most liked" or any other rating this addon is capable of. we're looking for a way to not just see "what's new" but also "useful posts" "highest rated", etc. it would be awesome if this was possible :)

Agree with that
Just one problem, not sure if there's an option to enable this or something but as you can see for this post only 5 likes are displayed in the list. Any idea?

n.b. all of these likes are the 'old likes'.

By the way, it would be awesome if this was integrated with XFR User Albums. :)

This addon has great potential for more things as well. A statistics page would be great. e.g. most 'liked' posts, most 'useful' posts, most 'optimistic' posts etc?
Post Ratings do not show up in article replies when using XenPorta.

To be able to use Likes, I have to go into Post Ratings Options and uncheck the 'disable XenForo like/unlike button and likes bar' option. After I've done that, I can go into an article and like a post with the default xenforo likes link, then also click on the like's button for post ratings. Does that like count as one like or does it count as two likes?
I'm quite disappointed for the lack of news and/or updates on this addon, i wouldn't complain if it wasn't a commercial solution and i paid for it. Particularly the lack of any way to delete ratings moderator/admin side it's a big delusion.
Any news on the coming update(s)? Just curious how things are progressing - looking forward to anything you put out, big or small. :)
I too must admit, the silence is deafening.


Everything OK, Darkimmortal?
Sorry but i must ask again: are customers entitled to know where this is going? I see you onlike Darkimmortal, but no any reply in here, if you don't want to make a post in here at least give the customers some news mailing them to their registered email address. Thanks.
He hasn't been gone that long ... !
Is this addon broken for anyone ?

Not broken, but missing some very important "planned" features, like moderation. For moderation i mean the ability for an admin/moderator to remove ratings without having to use mysql...
I uninstalled the addon. I don't think that I really need it.

I like the Shoutbox addon though. So all good.
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