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Post Delete Time Limit 2.2.0

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Xon submitted a new resource:

Post Delete Time Limit - Prevent old posts from being deleted

Permission to limit how old a post can be and still be deleted.

Introduces 1 new permissions:
  • Time limit on deleting own messages (minutes) (default 0, never can delete)

Note; delete any post will bypass this permission.

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@Xon To be clear, this does not allow users to delete their own threads, for any amount of time, correct? Just posts? I'm just asking because it says "post/thread" in the description, but from my testing it only works for posts.
It should apply to thread deletes as well. It skips enforcing delete time limits if the "manage threads" permission is held, that might be throwing off you testing
I'm not sure what the manage threads permission is. Do you mean "Delete own threads"? I set both "delete own posts" and "delete own threads" to no, and enabled only your added permission and set a time limit on it, but was then unable to delete a thread I created. I am pretty tired, though, so maybe I should try again tomorrow when I'm more awake. :)
Oh, this add-on applies additional restrictions after a user is permitted to delete a post or their own thread.
Ah. I read something wrong, I think. I think I read "delete any post will bypass this permission" as "delete own post..." and figured the one would negate the other, if you get my drift. I'll mess with it in the morning, then, and see how it goes. Sorry about that.
Working as intended, for the record. Things look much clearer after a little sleep. Thank you.

And if you ever want to make separate time-limit permissions for posts and threads, I wouldn't be opposed. :whistle:
found this today. wanted something that would let members delete their accidental posts (usually due to server glitches). members do not have permissions to delete their content. i hope it works as intended #6 is sort of confusing to me as well.
Working as intended
Does not work as I expected it to... I have delete permission disabled. This is the test account I created and its permissions.
Delete own post
No (Details)

Edit own post
Yes (Details)

Time limit on deleting own posts (minutes)
5 (Details)

Time limit on editing/deleting own posts (minutes)
Unlimited (Details)

Edit own thread title (requires edit own post)
Yes (Details)

Delete own thread
No (Details)

Oh, this add-on applies additional restrictions after a user is permitted to delete a post or their own thread.
Does this mean this addon is designed to enable user to delete his post for x minutes when he already has permission to delete his post for y minutes? So basically, I should enable delete post & thread and use this permission to configure 5 minute limit?
Does this mean this addon is designed to enable user to delete his post for x minutes when he already has permission to delete his post for y minutes? So basically, I should enable delete post & thread and use this permission to configure 5 minute limit?
Did XF integrate this and now this addon is no longer needed? Because I see such an option already.
  • Delete own post
  • Edit own post
  • Time limit on editing/deleting own posts (minutes) (I expect this would apply to editing & deleting threads as well?)
  • Edit own thread (requires edit own post)
  • Delete own thread
The permission "Time limit on deleting own messages (minutes)" (that this add-on adds) is distinct from "Time limit on editing/deleting own posts (minutes)".

XF updated it from "editing" to "editing/deleting" to reflect what it actually does in stock XenForo.
So the benefit of this addon would be that I can set the existing Time limit on editing/deleting own posts option to 1 week, and then set this addon's Time limit on deleting own messages to 1 hour, and that would result in people being able to edit their posts for 1 week but only being able to delete it within an hour?
It should be, as there is no custom front-end. I haven't fully tested it as I'm working on conversation/direct message related add-ons atm.
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