XF 2.3 Possible to remove the necessity for users to fill in a reason for deleting a post?


Active member
Users don't seem to fill-in the reason for deleting a post and I can't blame them. Most of the time it's simply a double post or they formatted something wrong or someone else posted the same exact thing before they did, etc.

Is there anyway to turn off that prompt?

Thanks in advance as always.
Wish I could help, but I don’t allow users to delete posts. That could cause a whole lot of ruckus on the forums. But, seems to me I saw a yes/no setting for that on the page where you allow that?
@Old Nick I was waiting for you to wake up! Any thoughts?
Tired Wake Up GIF by Veep HBO

Is there anyway to turn off that prompt?
I tried but i failed... for now...
template = helper_action


<xf:macro id="author_alert" arg-selected="{{ false }}" arg-alertName="author_alert" arg-reasonName="author_alert_reason" arg-row="{{ true }}">
    <xf:set var="$checkbox">
            <xf:option name="{$alertName}" selected="{$selected}"
                label="{{ phrase('notify_author_of_this_action') }} {{ phrase('reason:') }}">

                <xf:textbox name="{$reasonName}" placeholder="{{ phrase('optional') }}" />
                <xf:afterhint>{{ phrase('note_that_author_will_see_alert_even_no_longer_view_content') }}</xf:afterhint>
    <xf:if is="$row">
    <xf:else />

I wouldn't do it though, and beware it may affect other actions.
Well, thank you guys for the help. I will hold off.

I am working with Russ soon to redesign my site so there's plenty to do. I just hate that there is this needless step, for me, that users see. I guess I'm getting a little too nitpicky.
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