- Deploy Plex with Unlimited HD storage


Active member
Just a small community that is working to build up our github project. We started from reddit, slack, discord, and now forums. Basically our script deploys Plex (media server) with very little knowledge and adds google drive for unlimited storage; including a series of tools to assist you. Love Xenforo! Was about to make the mistake of using vbulletin.
Look very clean and pro.
One thing you probably forgot is that your users can switch from the Uniform theme to the UI.X2 theme in the style chooser. You look to have the default theme of UI.X2 with no modifications, so maybe you just have forgotten to turn off the UI.X2 theme for your users?
I feel it should replace that extra register pane at the top with a clear explanation of what PlexGuide is.
I also see / PlexGuide forums 4 times reading top to bottom on the front page, so that's wasted vertical real-estate.
This is just my opinion, but after looking at your site, I feel like as a visitor this section may be the most important,


If that is true, maybe customize this area just a hair to make it standout? I'm not sure if this is widgets or what (I'm still new to the XenForo platform).
Enjoyed the site overall :)
Absolutely. As someone coming to "PlexGuide" for the first time, I've no idea what this is. Make it compelling. Make me want "PlexGuide" before I hit CTRL+F4.
Looks better. Although I’d still back the bg lighter.

ya most are nerds. we had a light background; but most coders and people deploying this want dark theme. we do have the other light one if people wanted it. but thanks! you really made an impact.


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