XF 2.3 Please enter valid username CSS rules.

In the CSS rule block just add a neutral rule color: inherit; (for example) to activate the username--styleID class.
Then check with the browser inspector the ID:


In my case the ID is 2, then in your extra.less template add:

    padding-right: 4px;
In the CSS rule block just add a neutral rule color: inherit; (for example) to activate the username--styleID class.
Then check with the browser inspector the ID:

View attachment 313084

In my case the ID is 2, then in your extra.less template add:

    padding-right: 4px;
Thanks for reply mine is style5 but whenever i save, it show this
.m-faContent(fa-var-icon-name) won’t be a valid syntax in this CSS field. Maybe it’s a bug but it won’t be accepted, i guess because it’s a XenForo template syntax.
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