Pinterest Button

They give you simple HTML to use. This can be combined with a user field for your pinterest username.

Create a new user field:

Admin CP -> Users -> Custom User Fields

To create the image link you need to specify the HTML:

General Options: Value Display HTML

<a href="{$valueUrl}/"><img src="" width="16" height="16" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a>

Also, there is this option you need to enable:

General Options: Viewable in message user info

In addition, make sure this is enabled in your style:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Style Properties -> Message Elements -> Show custom user fields

Now when a user enters a value into that field it will show the image link in their posts.
Hi Jake, I guess that is for the follow button for the user, like "Follow me on Facebook". However, the question was for individual post, like "recommend this on Facebook.

If you type in example URLs in the section "Pin it button for websites" it gives code examples for this.
Thank you for your help! Since Pintrest only does pictures I'm not quite sure where the share button needs to go but I will use your suggestions and report back today. :-) Thank you!!
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